
While training coaches, I sometimes find it helpful for them to coach me and then I can really determine from the inside out how well they are learning the core competencies of coaching. I immediately saw a master coach inside my student, Cathi Marcus, waiting to be born. I tested it out by having her coach me.

As the founder of The Divine Intelligence Process and an ICF Master Certified Coach, I found Cathi’s coaching presence to be rare, extremely supportive and instrumental in reaching the emotion and awareness I was seeking regarding the situation where she was coaching me.

That master coach inside her has burst free so if you have the opportunity to coach with her and experience her presence, don’t waste a moment of doubt. Trust her as she knows how to bring forth the best in you.

Master Certified Coach & Therapist

Cathi radiates warmth and light in a way that is truly rare. I came to her during a difficult time with innate skepticism of what coaching could do for me. I worried it would be out there – silly, even. But Cathi met me exactly where I was, with love, sincerity, vulnerability, and even a little harsh truth when it was needed. Cathi is so much more than a life coach – she’s a confidante, a problem solver, a perspective broadener. My outlook on coaching is forever changed, and with Cathi’s guidance I’ve been able to enter my best chapter yet, one in which I am my truest, best self, making astounding progress towards my dreams and goals and showing up more meaningfully than ever for the people in my life.

Marketing Executive

I am currently 29 going on 30, and at this stage of my life there is a lot of pressure from outside sources to meet societal expectations. I found myself attempting to control aspects of my life to make up for what I couldn’t feel and would honor other people’s opinions of me over my own. This led to anxiety and a disconnect from self.  Cathi helped me discover the divine intelligence within me to naturally evoke positive change in my life. It is through Cathi and her coaching that I have found the confidence and safety to go within myself to uncover the answers I have always been searching for.

Professional Nanny/LCSW Student

I feel like Cathi listens to me and is genuinely concerned about my goals.  She has a very bubbly, fun and comforting style that is like talking to a trusted friend.  Cathi is skilled at using her observations and intuition to help me find profound insights and ultimately progress toward my goal. She’s eager to brainstorm and provides creative solutions I would have never considered in a million years! And, I love that she provides a recap of our session, asks me what I have learned and encourages me to apply my new found insights to my life.

CEO & Professional Coach

I came to Cathi with a great deal of emotional pain and turmoil and didn’t know how to manage my challenge. She listened intently, asked a few key questions and before I knew it, I was calm and confident and ready to take clear action. Her innate ability to listen with deep caring, lack of judgement, combined with simple yet profoundly impactful new perspectives, gave me the gift of what could’ve been weeks with a therapist in just one session!

Professional Coach

Cathi is a FORCE.  Her energy not only lifts up the people she’s connected with but also amplifies other people’s inner light. I recently completed the Divine Intelligence Coaching Process aka Authentic Alignment with Cathi and highly recommend it to anyone seeking growth in their career, spirituality or personal life.  I had everything necessary intellectually to be highly successful in my business, but felt stagnated.  Cathi helped me to remove the barriers that stood in my way of my creativity and energy, instilling awareness and clarity to unlimited success in every area of my life. Cathi offers tremendous insight and intuition guiding her clients to more enjoyable and enriching experiences.

Transformational Life Coach & Grief Counselor

I’ve been working with Cathi for the last two months and she’s making my job easier.  She’s giving me strategies on how to proactively handle situations, and she’s given me much more confidence in my abilities as a leader.  She listens to you and is very intuitive in working with you. I’d highly recommend her for any leader, especially in higher education.

College Dean & Business News Journalist

Another amazing session with Cathi.  I have always felt that I know myself well and I know what I want out of life, I just struggle with how to get there. Cathi somehow helped me understand that what I am expressing as my “want” is a surface level want, and there is a deeper “want and when we hit it, and I said it out loud, I was/am filled with excitement and optimism about my future and how attainable my goals really are. After a session, I feel like the weight I carry around on my shoulders has fallen to the ground. Thanks to Cathi’s guidance, I can now see myself doing something that I’ve only dreamed about doing.

Head Researcher & Business Leader

All you need is three minutes with Cathi and you realize you are in the company of a genius.  She is an exceptional human being, armed with a special unique spark that makes her like no one else. Cathi has an incredible ability to connect deeply with whomever she is talking to or working with.  Her energy is dynamic, and her skill set is extensive.  A true GEM.

CEO of the KamFam

Cathi blew me away with her coaching. She intuitively helped me affirm my growth after seeing my ex, helped me manifest my dream man so perfectly…it was Master level coaching in my book. Questions like “how will you know when you meet him? And then she helped me steer my vision of his spiritual path…and then reminded me to make sure my ideal man knows and loves my flaws on top of everything else. Cathi really guided me with such grace and lifted me to the next level…it was a Course in Miracles by Cathi. It was the best coaching session I have ever received.

Real Estate Executive (& Newlywed!)