
Cathi Marcus

certified coach, professional speaker & published author

Sometimes it takes someone else exposing their deepest, darkest truths for you to find your own freedom.

Cathi Marcus was a ticking time bomb waiting to go off when she left for college. Despite her amazing potential, gifted status and nomination by peers as “Most Likely to Succeed”, Cathi spiraled out of control into a Medusa of addictions as soon as she left the security and scrutiny of her childhood home.

Follow Cathi’s horrific rollercoaster ride down into food, alcohol, drug, cigarette and codependent relationship addictions, as well as her inspiring spiritual awakening and evolution over the next two decades. Through the power of her riveting and relatable stories and powerful  insights, you will discover your own truth, new perspectives and hope for what’s possible, no matter how overwhelming and difficult the addictions or challenges you face.

Very few memoirs deal with the complexity of multiple addictions and the path to freedom from them all. Addictionland is such a memoir. You will be moved by the authors raw and inspiring story to full recovery.

Christopher Lawford Kennedy
Activist, Actor and New York Times bestselling author of Symptoms of Withdrawl, Moment of Clarity and Recover to Live.

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The Raw Details of My Awesome Spiritual Awakening from like Every Fricking Addiction Under the Sun!
Free Yourself from Any Addiction through the Perspective of an Published Author with Decades of Recovery
(a must read for loved ones as well!)
Cathi Marcus Podcast Guest

This book satisfies the most important prerequisite for a recovery memoir: it creates hope. Even when I had no free time, I found myself reading and rereading her stories because of the honest and remarkable way she stripped herself of pretense so that others might benefit.”

Caroline Adams Miller
Masters in Applied Positive Psychology, TED Speaker and bestselling author of Creating Your Best Life and My Name is Caroline

Addictionland is a “must read” for anyone whose success has been motivated by the whipping stick of perfectionism. I couldn’t put it down. A night’s worth sleep lost, but it was well worth it.”

Patty Powers
Nationally Recognized Sober Coach featured on A&E’s hit TV show Relapse

Cathi Marcus may be writing about recovery from addictions….but this woman IS a drug! Addictionland is compulsively readable and instantly transformative.

Tama Kieves
USA Today featured Visionary Success Catalyst and Bestselling Author of Thriving Through Uncertainty and A Year Without Fear

Cathi’s experiences are heartbreaking, painful, horrific, true and beautifully written. I hope that all the Cathi’s out there named Sally or Steve who are suffering right now as Cathi did then get a chance to read this memoir and realize there is a way out.”

Seth Jaffe
Nationally Recognized Interventionist and Sober Coach featured on A&E’s hit TV shows Intervention and Relapse

Anyone who thinks they have heard this story before is mistaken. This book is hard to put down once begun.

Marty Lerner
Ph.D., Clinical Director of Milestone’s Eating Disorders Program

Powerful book, written by a powerful woman. Whether it is a physical addiction, or just a series of life events that have placed one in need of healing, Addictionland is a well written journey through darkness with a very realistic and attainable ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ feel to it.

Kerry Korchman
Amazon Reader